You will be sent an email with an activation link from your CPA when they have invited you to join. Click the Opt-in for AI Assistant Tools button in the email you received and follow the steps to create your account.
You will be sent an email with an activation link from your CPA when they have invited you to join. Click the Opt-in for AI Assistant Tools button in the email you received and follow the steps to create your account.
Hive Tax AI is currently available in the United States.
Hive Tax AI is currently available in all 50 US States.
Your account verification code was sent to the account that you signed up with and may have been mistakenly flagged as spam by your email provider. Please contact support at if you have still not receiving it.
If you are currently logged into your account you can reset your password by selecting Client Settings, then Change Password on the Settings page. Enter your current password and new password then select Change Password.
Otherwise if you have forgotten your password you can reset your account password by sending an email to and requesting a password reset.
Select the Client Settings button in the sidebar menu, then the Edit button near your profile picture. From here you can edit your personal information such as your email address, phone number or address.
Select the Client Settings button in the sidebar menu, then Edit Profile in the Profile section. You can select one of the premade profile images or upload your own image. Image size and file type restrictions may apply.
This GPT-4 powered chatbot answers tax questions and provides tax advice 24/7.
You will receive an activation email from Hive when your CPA has activated your account to receive access to the AI Customer Support Assistant.
Click the Support Chatbot button in the sidebar menu, then Ask Tax Questions, and either select a pre-made question or use the text box to ask a question.
You can ask the AI Customer Support Assistant tax related questions, from basic queries about tax forms and filing deadlines, to more complex questions about deductions, tax laws, and state-specific tax issues.
Yes, your Tax advisor can view your chat history with the Assistant in order to help provide further clarification about a tax question you may have.
Yes the AI Customer Support Assistant can answer specific questions about the tax firm you are using if that feature is supported by them.
The AI Customer Support Assistant can answer questions about your financial history that you have given it either in chat or with the AI Financial Planning Assistant. Please do not give the AI Customer Support Assistant personal identifiable information such as your SSN or date of birth.
Consider reaching out directly to your CPA if you have an important tax question you would like them to double-check and confirm.
The AI Financial Planning Assistant generates a personalized financial plan for you based on your answers to a questionnaire and is then looked over and approved by your CPA.
Once your CPA invites you to the AI Financial Planning Assistant you will receive an email from Hive Tax AI with instructions on how to sign up for the service.
If your CPA has given you access to the Financial planning assistant, you can access it by selecting the Financial Planning tab on the sidebar, then clicking the view button in the action column for your report.
You will be prompted to fill out a questionnaire once you are invited to the AI Financial Planning Assistant by your CPA. Follow the instructions given by the page to fill out the questionnaire.
No, if you are unsure of the answer to a question you can leave and resume the questionnaire at a later time.
If the question does not have a star (*) next to it, it is optional and can be skipped. Otherwise consult with your tax advisor on what you should fill out for the question.
Yes but we highly recommend giving the most accurate information as the more accurate your answers are, the more accurate your AI Financial Planning Assistant will be when generating a report for you.
Submitting your previous 2 years of tax returns is optional but we do recommend submitting them to provide the most accurate report from your AI Financial Planning Assistant.
Your AI Financial Planning report will be generated then sent to your CPA for review. Once they have reviewed it, they will go over the report with you. You can check the status of your report if you select Financial Planning in the sidebar, then your report status will be shown in the Status column
If you wish to save your AI Financial Planning report after your CPA has reviewed and walked you through it, ask your CPA if you can have a copy of the report.