Meet the HIVE AI tax platform

A suite of tools transforming the way tax professionals serve client needs, boost productivity, and offer new services.


HIVE AI Tax Assistant client support chatbot icon

Efficient client onboarding and education chatbot

Provide your clients with 24/7 support and keep them happy, while you focus on high value tasks.

HIVE Tax Research Assistant Icon

Cost-effective tax research tools

Comprehensive search tax codes and tax court rules and cases from authoritative sources.

HIVE TAX Financial Planner Icon

Expansion in advisory service offerings

Demand for financial advisory services is year round. Extend your tax and financial service offerings beyond the 4/15 deadline!

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HIVE Tax AI Tools for Professionals

AI Client Support

This GPT-4 Turbo powered, client support chatbot conducts new client interviews and onboarding, answers client tax and tax planning questions, and answers other general questions about your firm 24/7.

tax ai chatbot benefits
search by keywords, questions, or citation screenshot mockup of software

Tax Research Platform

Advanced keyword search capabilities and up-to-date content libraries combined with an intuitive auto-suggest function. HIVE’s proprietary training method conducted by a team of tax experts ensures responses are 100% accurate.

AI-powered Tax Return Analysis

Quickly scan three years of a clients tax return data to look for potential savings, loopholes, and other planning strategies. This AI-powered tool produces comprehensive and thorough reports in minutes and is completely secure. 

screenshot of a tax questionaire in software
search by keywords, questions, or citation screenshot mockup of software

Custom AI Solutions

Want an AI Assistant trained on your proprietary knowledge base? We have a solution for you too! Options include cloud hosting, Vector database and API, or finetuned AI for unbelievable results. Contact us for a free consultation

Turbo Charged Tax Planning

Client tax planning has never been this easy, accurate, and powerful. Our proprietary AI platform scans client financials and produces a comprehensive report for your professional review and interpretation. Instantly add 1000x value for your clients.

screenshot of a tax questionaire in software
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Transform your practice today with HIVE AI

Better serve your clients, boost productivity, and grow your business.

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