Tax Research Assistant

tax research tool

HIVE’s AI Tax Research Assistant offers a game-changing solution by combining:

Up-to-date content libraries

Advanced keyword search capabilities 

An intuitive auto-suggest function

A comprehensive dashboard with research history tracking

With this powerful tool at your disposal, you will unlock unprecedented efficiency in your tax research process. Navigate the complexities of your clients’ unique situations and make informed decisions with confidence.

A New Era of Tax Research Has Begun


Authoritative Source of Tax Data

The tax research tool is built upon the updated tax data from authoritative sources. The sources of response is cited in the end of response.

screenshow of irs publication search details
detailed view of search screen with autosuggest<br />


Search by Keyword or Advanced Topics

Start typing and topic suggestions are auto-generated to help you find answers quickly. And there is an advanced search feature that allows you to look up IRS publications, tax rules, Treasury Department circulars, or IRS new releases.


Expedite Your Workflow with Multiple Answer Formats

To save you additional time, answers are provided in detailed, summary, or client response format. Choose if you need an outline for a refresher, more in-depth information, or a letter pre-formatted for your client in terms they will understand.

closeup of a detailed response to a research question
screenshot of CPA dashboard

Research History Dashboard

Need to go back and see what you uncovered in your search? The dashboard holds 30 days of search history by default, so you can quickly refresh your memory or generate a response to a client question.

“We used to spend a fortune on content libraries for tax research, and it was a cumbersome process to find the information we needed. Having tried the HIVE AI tax research assistant Gen at the IRS forum, research has become incredibly efficient. The tool understands the context of our queries, providing relevant case laws, regulations, and interpretations in seconds.”

— Alicia Van, CPA, Managing Director at TaxStrive Consulting

“I was initially skeptical about replacing our extensive content library, but testing the HIVE AI tax research tool has been a revelation. It’s not just a search engine; it’s an interactive research assistant. It suggests related topics and even identifies potential tax-saving opportunities we hadn’t considered.”

— William Robert, CPA, Partner at Legacy Tax &

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